The Only God There Is

Ok. Here we go. Another day. (Can it please be Friday?? Please?)

Psalms for today: 2, 32, 62, 92, 122

It is good to give thanks to the LORD,
to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
to declare your steadfast love in the morning,
and your faithfulness by night,
to the music of the lute and the harp,
to the melody of the lyre.
For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work;
at the works of your hands I sing for joy.--Psalm 92:1-4

Day 130

Isaiah 37:9-11,14-20


I had just typed in the whole passage, here, when, by a miracle of technology, somehow I touched a single key that erased the entire thing. Pft. I'm still not sure what happened.

Oh, well. In this passage, the king of Assyria learns that he is about to be attacked by the king of Ethiopia. His reaction? He starts verbally harrassing Hezekiah, king of Judah, ridiculing him for his trust in God.

This is kind of like when the husband yells at the wife, the wife yells at the kid, and the kid kicks the dog. I guess it makes Sennacherib (king of Assyria) fell big and strong.

But note Hezekiah's reaction. Instead of "kicking the dog," he takes the letter he has just received to God and lays it out before God. He acknowledges the terror that is the Assyrian empire, but then asks God to step in and show his power. At one point, he uses the phrase that is the title of this reading, "the only God there is."

We can learn a lot from Hezekiah, here. Rather than taking out our frustrations on someone apparently weaker than ourselves, we should take them to God and let him handle them.

Father, I am in positions of responsibility in more than one place. At work I deal with people daily. Some people I see every day, others, I may only see once in a lifetime. Help me to not take out frustrations with problems caused by others on these people. Give me grace to act responsibly towards everyone. Let me be a dispenser of grace to each person I come in contact with.

At church, my position is even more sensitive. The way I act each Sunday morning could influence people in ways I'm not even aware of. Help me to set any frustrations aside the moment I walk in the door. If something is not right, let me take it to you instead of lashing out at others.

A good exercise would be to write down a detailed description of any dilemma we might be facing and lay it out before God, just as Hezekiah did here. A simple prayer might achieve the same results, but there is something about a tangible object that helps our brains grasp a concept, sometimes.

Whatever the situation, let all of us who call ourselves brothers of Christ be dispensers of grace, daily.

Grace and peace, friends.

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