
Psalm for Today: Psalm 105

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!
Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!
Verses 3-4

The prouder we are, the harder it is to repent, because we will not want others to see us as more sinful than we have let on.--Tabletalk Magazine from September 30, on Matthew 23:5-12.

Day 251 in The Message//Remix:Solo

Acts 22:1-10

The book asks me to read this passage from the perspective of Paul's mother. Interesting. The passage is a short biography that Paul is giving a group of people. It tells of his education, his hunt for believers of Jesus, and then his conversion experience on the road to Damascus.

Thing is, Paul's mother was probably a devout Jew. She was probably proud of Paul's education and ultimate inclusion into the Sanhedrin. So I imagine that she might have read the first half of this passage with great pride in her son. But, honestly, I would expect that she would be shamed by her son's sudden switch to following the one who seemed to be going against the authority of the Jewish religious leaders. And we have no indication that any of Paul's family ever followed in his faith.

Setting that aside, though, this passage seems to be a nice model for a personal testimony. Notice that Paul begins with what his life was like before he met Jesus. He speaks of his education, the things that made him what he was. He speaks of the course his life was following. Then he tells of his encounter with the Master. This encounter changed his life forever. The passage at hand stops with the instructions given him by Jesus.

My testimony is very different than Paul's. (Heh. I imagine most of ours is.) I grew up in church. I'm a "lifer." Started on the "cradle roll." When I was nine years old, I walked up the aisle of our Southern Baptist Church, and subsequently was baptized. Many years later, while in college, and itinerate evangelist convinced me that, because I could not actually remember "inviting Jesus into my heart," that I might not really be saved. So I did that in the front seat of his car, and was, subsequently, baptized again. It is now my opinion that the first time probably "worked." Contrary to popular evangelical opinion, it is not necessary to "invite Jesus into your heart" to be saved. There is no Scriptural basis for that idea at all. We are simply told to believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths. You don't even have to "pray to receive Jesus." If that were the case, none of the disciples were ever saved.

Anyway, I digress. Since I was born into church life and saved at an early age, there really isn't much of a "before" story. I tell people that I did most of my "sinning" after I became a Christian. That's sad, of course, but still true. I have gone through periods in my life where my walk has been less than straight. But Jesus always gently prompts me back on course, via the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, not so gently, too. There have been times when I wondered why God still bothered with me. Times when I've wondered why he just didn't take me home. I guess he still has work for me to do here on earth. Until that time, I will remain and strive to be obedient to his will.

Have other people been affected because of my obedience to Christ (even when that obedience has been less than exemplary)? I believe so. There are, no doubt, people that I have encountered that were affected that I may never know about (at least not in this life).

What about you? What's your story? Can you give it in a nutshell? It wouldn't be a bad idea to be able to do that. We are told by Scripture to be ready to give a defense for our faith at any time. I include in that being able to explain to anyone how I came to faith in Christ and the effects it has had on my life.

Father, help me to always have an idea of how I would answer someone who questioned me about my faith. At least, if I'm not thinking about it already, remind me of my answers when it happens. Give me opportunities to share my faith with others. Let me always be ready. Give me eyes to see the open doors in front of me.

Think about your "faith journey" this week. Let God remind you where you've been and how you got where you are today. And most importantly, thank him for bringing you to faith in him.

Grace and peace, friends.

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