Chewing on the Cud

A slight bit of anxiety going on...just got an email from my wife. It seems that some nutbar is hanging around their parking lot on a bicycle, carrying a shotgun and handcuffs.


She's on her way home, now, though, safely. She said there were several policemen roaming around the lot, so she ran out to her car while they were around.

Psalms for today: 25, 55, 85, 115, 145

Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you;
he will never permit the righteous to be moved.--Psalm 55:22

Day 95

Psalm 139

Another one of my favorite Psalms.

About the title. Sounds gross, yes, but it's the idea of meditation in a metaphor. The cow chews the same stuff over and over again. We need to spiritually do this. So we are encouraged to "chew the cud" as we read the words of Psalm 139.

This psalm is a beautiful picture of total intimacy with God as we comprehend his complete understanding of us. "I'm an open book to you; even from a distance you know what I'm thinking." To quote pop psychologists..."How does that make you feel?"

When I chew on that verse, it is at the same time comforting and unnerving. God knows what I'm thinking. Uhoh. But, ok. At least I know I don't have to worry about hiding anything, or trying to, because I know I can't hide anything from God. So it's ok to be totally transparent with him, because he knows it anyway.

"You know everything I say before I start the first sentence." My initial reaction to this might be, "Then why didn't you stop me from saying it??" Heh. There are many times I wish that had happened...had one such instance this morning at work. I'm not going to go into detail, but I was a little mean to someone at work, and immediately felt awful about it. Called and apologized later. But it was a classic case of mouth opening and words coming out with no brain connection. Or maybe no heart connection. That's even worse.

All of verses 7-12 talk about how God is everywhere. There is nowhere I can go where he is not. I love this. It is very reassuring and comforting to me. Because I want him around me all the time, reminding me of himself, protecting me from myself and the elements around me.

Hopefully, I'll spend time mulling over these thoughts throughout the rest of this day. I'll have perfect opportunity at work tonight. I don't have to listen to music all night. I could have relative silence in my work area, with the occasional interruptions, but still plenty of opportunity to meditate.

What does God desire from me?

What does he desire from you?

Chew the cud.

Grace and peace, friends.

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