Dedication Ceremonies

Psalms for today: 13, 43, 73, 103, 133

I will sing to the LORD because he has dealt bountifully with me.--Psalm 13:6

Forever I will sing his praises. I long for the day when I will sing them eternally.

Day 52


2 Chronicles 6:12-18

This passage contains Solomon's dedication prayer for the Temple that he had built.


Solomon expresses extreme gratitude and humility as he prays this dedication prayer.

What precious aspects of your life (for example, people, positions, locations, important events, yourself) do you need to set solely aside for the Lord as a public reminder that all you have belongs to God?
Hm...the obvious answer is "everything." But as I think of particular things/people, etc., I think first of the things that I use to lead worship. The keyboard and guitars that I play need to be set aside solely for use in glorifying God. My voice needs to be fully dedicated to his purposes. I have people who help my in ministry...another guitar player, several singers and a young man who runs sound. All of these people need to be dedicated to the service of God.

What would it take for you to do that...and with the attitude of Solomon?
Honestly, I'm not sure how to answer this one. It wouldn't take much at all. In fact, I'm already formulating a prayer in my mind while I'm typing these words. Which will come in very handy for the next section!


Write out a prayer of dedication to God for an individual, situation, event, or position.
Holy Father, you are God of all, strong and mighty, worthy of all our worship and praise! I set before you all of the instruments that I use in leading your people to worship each Sunday morning. The acoustic guitar, the electric guitar, and the keyboard. You have graciously provided these instruments for me, and they will be used solely for you. I also dedicate the people who help me in this ministry: Christi, Randy, Rulen, Laurie, and Jordan. I also dedicate the electronic equipment in our church: the sound board, the laptop and projector, and the microphones. May all of these things and people serve only to glorify you, O God!


I'll keep this prayer handy (right here on this web page, in fact) and refer to it frequently. I'll make a note to check back in a couple weeks and see if anything is different because of these dedications.

I encourage you to make your own dedications. You don't have to be a worship leader to have things in your life dedicated to God.

Grace and peace, y'all!

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