God's White-Hot Anger

Psalms for today: 8, 38, 68, 98, 128

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?--Psalm 8:3-4

Day 47


2 Kings 22:11-17

Josiah is king in this passage, and during the course of some daily events, someone close to him finds a book of writings of God's commands and warnings. They are read to Josiah, and much anguish ensues. Josiah tore his robes in anguish and began to seek out wisdom.


As I read this passage, certain words and phrases stick out. I've already focused on the fact that Josiah ripped his robes. This was a sign of extreme dismay in Biblical times. He also commanded immediately that his advisors "go out and pray to God." He didn't waste any time. He immediately began to seek God to see how they could assuage his anger.
Later, the prophetess tells them that "every word written in the book...will happen." God's word is true. He will always do what he said he will do. And if he hasn't done it yet, it's because it's just not time yet.


As I contemplate the words and phrases that caught my attention, I consider any questionable or sinful areas of my life that I have been ignoring lately. Why have I been ignoring them? What is my posture? I fall on my face before a holy God, who expresses extreme "white-hot" anger over sin and idolatry. Yes, there is an "idol" in my life and it must be destroyed. Father give me the strenght to do so.


Do I have the courage to picture this God, whose anger rages white-hot? Ah, but we have a mediator. We don't have to picture God as raging because we have Christ as our savior and mediator. Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift! Together, Christ and I examine my heart. What does he see? More than I can see, that's for sure. He sees a heart that is sincerely in love with him, but is cluttered by sin that has been allowed to settle. He gently sweeps it out...not violently, like he did the pharisees and money-changers, but gently, because we are his children, his brothers and sisters. He invites me to sit with him. Nothing else...just to sit for a while.

If I could just sit with you a while
If you could just hold me
Nothing could touch me
Though I'm wounded, though I die
If I could just sit with you a while
I need you to hold me
Moment by moment
Till forever passes by

Lyrics by Dennis Jernigan

If you read this, reach out to Jesus...let him hold you. There's nothing better...

Grace and peace.

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