God Encounters

This is the day that I look back on the previous seven days to see what, if anything, I've learned or discovered. So here goes...

>>We are humans and prone to make promises and claims that we just can't keep. We should never make promises to God. We should just seek him and try to live for him.

>>God can use the smallest things for his purposes. In fact, he really doesn't need us at all. He proved this by defeating an entire army with only 300 men.

>>God's real Name is too wonderful for us to hear. We should prostrate ourselves in awe at the very thought of it.

>>It's very important for us to cry out to God at all times. I believe there is nothing too insignificant for us to cry out to him about.

>>We should never have to feel like a stranger when there are other believers around, nor should we ever treat others like strangers.

>>Hearing God's voice requires quiet and freedom from distractions. Anytime we can, we should try to get alone for 15-20 minutes just to "be" with God.

Grace and peace

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