Is God Enough?

Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who might stumble across this little piece of my life.

And now for the not-so-daily devotion.

Day 29


1 Samuel 8:1, 3-7, 9-10, 19-22

This is the passage where Israel demands that Samuel annoint a king over them.


1. Who do you resemble most? (a) Samuel--being confronted by people asking him to make changes that he believes are wrong, or (b) the Israelites--wanting to be like others?

At any given time, I could be like either one. Too often, I resemble the Israelites, wanting to look just like the rest of the world. But there are times when I'm more like Samuel, especially when I see the "church" wanting to engage in activities or marketing schemes that I know are not God-annointed. Nothing turns me off more than when a church utilizes worldly marketing tactics to try to entice people to attend.

2. If you chose a, converse with God about this as Samuel did: What would you like to say to God regarding these demands? If b, how would you finish this sentence: I want to be like _________. If you continue wanting to be like a certain person, how might it cheat you out of what God wants for you?

I can't think of an individual that I want to be like. Other than my friend from work, Phillip, who is more like Christ than just about anyone I know, so it wouldn't be so bad if I wanted to emulate him. But I'll admit that from time to time, I have envied certain musicians, especially in the rock world. That would certainly cheat me out of many of God's blessings.

3. What would your life look like if you trusted God to give you what you need, regardless of how odd that may seem when compared to other people's lives?

Ouch. My life would look amazing if I would allow that. If I could trust God so implicitly that I never strayed off the path to selfishly fulfill my own desires, I can't even imagine the impact that would have on those around me. Even on the world.


Lord, please show me the advantages of trusting you more with these things. Let me not be envious of anyone else in this world, or desire the things of this world to my own detriment.


While you sit in a quiet place, practice feeling okay being different from other people. If you can, view that difference as special or chosen. Relax with a sense of God's hand on you.

I like this instruction. I think it wouldn't hurt anything for us to "practice" feeling a certain way. And we desperately need to feel okay being different. We are supposed to be different. After all, the Bible calls us "peculiar," doesn't it?

Grace and peace...

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