My Holy Name


Leviticus 22:1-8

This passage contains a list of rules involving cleanliness and touching of sacrifices and sacred things. Each paragraph concludes with the sober admonition, "I am God." God is very serious about his holiness. He is very serious about the sanctity of his name.


I'm asked to consider my reaction to God's statements as I read. It asks me to notice if I am drawn to God or repelled. That's an interesting question, and I can certainly see how some could be repelled from the Lord as he makes these statements about himself and his priests. However, I am further drawn to our holy God. It all comes from a perspective of acknowledgin the holiness of God and his right to everything. As the psalmist said, "Our God is in the heavens, he does whatever he pleases." (Psalm 115:3--Jeff's paraphrase.) He is the creator. Whatever he chooses to do is just and holy. And his proclomation of his holiness makes me worship him even more.

I ask him to show me more of myself today. What has brought me to this place.


I'm asked to pray this passage, which is a little weird, but I'll try it. It says to ask God to show me how the truth of this passage interacts with my initial reaction. I'm asking him to increase my faith and belief in his holiness.


This is a time to simply rest in the presence of this holy God. Words are not necessary at this point.

He is God. He is holy.

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