The Necessity of Sacrifice

It's late on Friday night, but I'm getting this reading done before I got to bed. Tomorrow's a big day, with a Night of Praise that I am leading at our church at 6pm.


Leviticus 4:32-35

This time, I am told to read in an almost-whisper, listening intently to each word. The passage describes an absolution/atonement offering.


There are many different types of offerings described in the Old Testament, each for a different thing. The question is asked why I think God prescribed offerings like this in such a unique way. I'm not sure I can answer this very well. There seems to have been something built in to the psyche of man, though, because even Cain and Abel seemed to realize that offerings had to be presented to God. And there is no indication in Genesis that they were commanded to do so. There is a verse, I believe, in Hebrews, that says that there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. Perhaps this sacrificial system was simply a foreshadowing of Christ.

I'm asked if I think it's cruel that God had animals sacrificed in this way. This is a question that gets one out on thin ice. But my answer is, "No." I don't think it was cruel. You have to go back to the purpose for animals in the first place. They were not the ones who were to rule the planet. The reason that Noah took seven of certain types of animals on the ark instead of only two, was to have adequate numbers for sacrifices.

Then it asks why we don't do these types of sacrifices any more. Very simple. Jesus Christ. He was not only the final sacrifice, he was the only sacrifice that was perfectly adequate to remove all of our sins.

Why does God take sin so seriously? Probably because he is perfect and holy. Any sin is an affront to his nature, his character. It is also direct disobedience to his commands and blatant unbelief. I believe that the root cause of all in is ultimately unbelief. If I sin, especially doing something that I know is wrong, I really don't believe God, do I? And this is a terribly frightening truth to me.

When we sin, what sort of sacrifices are we to bring to God? Certainly not animals or blood, because that sacrifice has already been provided. What we must bring is "a broken and contrite heart." We must bring the sacrifice of repentance. We also must bring the "sacrifice of praise."


I'm told to ask God to help me understand the severity of my own sin. I'll tell you one thing. Don't ever ask God that unless you are really ready for him to do it. Most of us don't really want to know how severe our sin really is.

I thank God that he sent Jesus, the Lamb of God, to be the perfect sacrifice for my sins and your sins. Without this, we would have no hope.


I'm asked to consider sharing this great truth with someone today, the truth that Jesus is our perfect sacrifice for sin. Unfortunately, I won't be going anywhere else tonight. Perhaps I will have an opportunity tomorrow.

It also suggests going through the day, whispering, "Thank you, Jesus," each time I remember his sacrifice.

Thank you, Jesus.

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