
Andy - 2010-01-31 15:56:05
For three years, I was the pianist of a church where the pastor always "fed milk" to the congregation and sort of "dummied down" to them, because they were of the variety of charismatic Christian who holds that the emotional high is equivalent to the valid spiritual "experience" needed to affirm their walks with Christ. They seemed analagous to drug addicts getting their fixes, and nobody ever changed. I think what you bring out in the Matthew Henry section has to do with "sanctification" once the foundation has been laid, and there isn't enough emphasis on sanctification in any of the Christian denominations today, even though the epistles are laden with this theme. I spoke with the pastor about this, and he felt it was all he could do, given the desires of the particular congregation, so he began to hold smaller Bible studies for those interested. On another note, I think "Wings of Freedom" is a great name for a church. Hope you guys keep on growing.
jamie - 2010-01-31 20:12:59
you guys have been through so much, i can't even imagine. the only wisdom i can impart is that, with my nephew's issues (different from stephanie's, but...), for the last couple of years, we have seen great progress, immediately followed by a period of what can only be described as regression, followed again by a period of even greater progress. a clear 3 steps forward 2 steps back kind of process, but the regressions have gotten shorter and less frequent and we are finally getting somewhere significant. i can only pray that this is the case with you and that you & christy will find the inner strength to hang in there and "don't stop believin'" =)

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