In the Shadow of Your Wings...

So many people with so many problems. It seems like everyone I know is suffering in some way. I've been unemployed for just a week, but Christi has a good job, so we could be a lot worse off.

Then she finds an article in today's paper that talks about Governor Good Hair cutting funds for all state agencies, and UTA is having to put a hold on hiring "non-essential" positions. Does that include an overnight Library Assistant?? Well, I'm still looking and placing resumes/applications. And I can request my first unemployment check Tuesday. Monday's a holiday, so it wouldn't do any good to try it then. I'm also putting an application in at the Richland Hills PD for a dispatcher job on Tuesday.

I will trust in God's timing. I will. (Or at least half of me will. The other half will insist on panicking...)

Psalm 63:2-5, 7

2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. 3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. 4 So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. 5 My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,...7 for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

David discovered a great truth in verse 3. God's steadfast love is better than life. "Like David, I know the deep satisfaction of composing praise music - a satisfaction much like that of rich food that satisfies physical hunger.

"I long for the kind of divine obsession that drove David to meditate on the name of the Lord through the watches of the night. As 'my soul clings' to Him, whether in the sanctuary or in the shadows of my life, I pray that my music will be a reflection of His power, glory, and love."
(From , by Don Wyrtzen)

Wow. I could have written those last two paragraphs. But I didn't. I feel exactly the same way Don Wyrtzen does, though. It is my desire to compose music that brings glory to my God.

I'm going to open up a can of worms here.

Luke 2:46

After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.

From Matthew Henry Daily Readings: "The Jewish doctors say that at twelve years old children must begin to fast from time to time, that they may learn to fast on the day of atonement; and that at thirteen years old a child begins to be a son of the commandment, that is, obliged to the duties of adult church-membership, having been from his infancy, by virtue of his circumcision, a son of the covenant. It is for the honor of Christ that children should attend on public worship.

"Young persons should seek the knowledge of divine truth, attend the ministry of the gospel, and ask such questions of their elders and teachers as may tend to increase their knowledge."

Now here's the can of worms. In the Jewish mindset, which was that same mindset in which the Scriptures were written, there was NO SUCH THING AS "YOUTH." Children went from childhood to adulthood. As soon as that child hit thirteen, he was considered an adult.

Where in any of the volumes of Scripture, can we justify what we call "youth ministry?" The Bible knows nothing of an age that we call "youth." Matthew Henry affirms that these people should attend the same worship at adults. Yet we separate them and give them "church lite," and for decades, now, have led them to believe that they deserve special treatment.

What is the result of this half a century long journey down a horrible path? We have a bunch of young people that think "adult church" is boring. They think that church is not relevant to them. Frankly, I am pretty sure that this is the cause of such heretical movements as "seeker churches" and the "emerging church."

This all goes hand-in-hand with my insistence that Jesus did not start an "institution." He did not start the "First Baptist Church of Jerusalem." Jesus started HIS Church. He started the Body of Christ, and like our physical bodies, it should be ORGANIC! It should be ALIVE! Our institutions are dead. THAT is why the church is becoming irrelevant in our society. All the marketing strategies in the world will not change that.

Father, I pray desperately for the Church today. Your Body is so entrenched in the institution it has become. She is so far removed from what you started when you walked on this earth as Jesus. I pray that the individual groups that make up your Body will begin to be revived, to become alive in you and to shed the coils of the dead institution by which she has been entrapped. Our world desperately needs a Church that is alive and triumphant. It does not need more programs and strategies. It simply needs a Church that lives by your Words.

I pray that you would inspire me, Father, to pen more praise songs in the near future. Let me be inspired to use this down time between jobs to re-discover my musical skills, so that I may use them for your honor and glory.

The Psalmist compared praising God to eating the riches of foods. I have experienced that joy of worship that is every bit as satisfying as a great meal. God's love, his never-ending love, is, indeed, greater than life. And I will praise him as long as I live. In the shadow of his wings, I will sing for joy!

Grace and peace, friends.

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