A New Journey

I'm embarking today on a new spiritual journey. Unfortunately, due to the nature of it and Biblical instructions on the matter, I can't really talk about it. However, it will involve significantly more prayer than I have been doing, and is prompted by my desire to figure out what direction my life needs to go in as this transition gets closer. And I'm pretty sure that sentence butchered most known grammar rules. Oh, well. Sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth to figure it out.

Anyway. I will certainly share any revelation or insights that come along as a result of this "journey." I ask for prayer from all who read this, that I might have the strength to remain faithful to this journey, and that God would give me some clear direction.

It's late in the day, and Christi will be home very soon, so that's pretty much it for today. My normal devotional should return tomorrow.

Grace and peace, friends.

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