To Be Content

I've had a pretty lousy day (which began last night before I went to work), Lord. But you know that, don't you? And you've been right there the whole time, even though I failed to acknowledge your presence the entire time. What good does it do me to fester in my anger and frustration and refuse to seek refuge in the one that I know is my strong tower and fortress?? Ah, Lord. Forgive me. Poke me or something next time this happens. I could have saved myself a lot of emotional stress last night, had I simply stopped and prayed to you and meditated a bit. I even have my electronic reader with me at work, which has a copy of your words on it. So why didn't I break that open and feast on them? I wish I could answer that.

From the PPT website.

President Hosts Healthcare Summit Today
President Obama unveiled a detailed proposal earlier this week for reforming the U.S. healthcare system, confirming that the bipartisan summit today won�t be an exercise in starting from scratch. Instead, he offered a fully fleshed-out plan based on the existing Democratic bills. President Obama invited congressional leaders from both parties to offer their best ideas. The president said the administration is committed to extending insurance coverage significantly, improving the quality of care and controlling costs. However, President Obama hasn�t convinced the public that the problems in the system justify such a costly overhaul. New features in the White House�s draft include a ban on drug makers paying rivals to delay generic versions of prescription medicines and an initiative to have federal bureaucrats review insurance premiums.

Pray for wisdom as our President guides new policy for our nation�s healthcare system.

Psalm 29:10-11

The LORD sits enthroned over the flood;
the LORD sits enthroned as king forever.
May the LORD give strength to his people!
May the LORD bless his people with peace!

God is enthroned over the flood. He has power over nature. Jesus showed us this in person when he calmed the storm with his voice. He also displayed other great power with his voice when he raised Lazarus from the dead with a simple voice command, "Come forth!"

"Franz Delitzch, a brilliant nineteenth-century Old Testament scholar, viewed the closing words "with peace" as a rainbow arching over the psalm. We can either experience the force of God's wrath or the peace of His salvation. We can choose between the awesome power He uses against His enemies or the compassionate intimacy He offers to His children." (From A Musician Looks At the Psalms, by Don Wyrtzen.

Psalm 4:3

But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself;
the LORD hears when I call to him.

"We must never think our work for God done, till our life is done. If he lengthens out our days beyond what we expected, like those of Joshua, it is because he has some further service for us to do." (Matthew Henry Daily Readings, from commentary on Joshua 24:1-14)

I believe this with all my heart. There should be no such thing as "retirement" from ministry. There may be retirement from a secular job, but if we are in ministry, we are in it for life. Conversely, I also believe that I cannot die until God is finished with me. I will be here until I have fulfilled my task for him.

Matthew 10:11

And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it and stay there until you depart.

Jesus continues to give instruction to his newly-appointed apostles.

From Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, by John MacArthur: "Jesus taught the apostles the ministry principle of settled commitment, which again applies to all who minister. First, God's servant is to find a proper place of lodging while ministering in a particular locale. Second, he should be satisfied to remain there until his work is done."

"...he should be satisfied to remain there until his work is done."

Read that again, please.

One of the ways in which the Church has perverted her purpose in modern society has to do with the dissatisfaction of both pastors and the local bodies of believers. It is very rare today for a pastor to remain at a church more than a couple of years. Either the pastor looks for "greener pastures" or the local church gets bored and wants a new pastor. (Of course this all ties in to what I believe about the way churches should function anyway, but that's a whole different topic.)

"After securing adequate accommodations, the servant of Christ should stay there until completing his ministry. He is not to be keeping an eye out for something better... The focus must remain on ministry."

Now, I turn to myself. In the section called "Ask Yourself," MacArthur asks these questions: Can anything truly threaten your contentment if you're committed to maintaining it? Imagine the freedom of feeling settled, even in your current circumstances, not comparing it with others but merely being thankful for what God has given. How could this attitude change your life?

Mainly, my answer is, "Ouch!" How content am I with my current circumstance? Not very. Mind you, I'm pretty happy with my church setting right now. Of course, it's not perfect, but nothing ever will be, this side of heaven. And I'm very happy in my marriage right now. But there are other factors in my life that I am desperately out of sorts with, and that's just wrong. And I acknowledge that right now, and ask God for forgiveness and the Spirit's guidance to change.

Father, once again, I find myself asking forgiveness for my attitude towards my circumstances. You have placed me here for a reason! My current situation, all of the trials, all of the issues in my life...everything that makes up my life is here because you have ordained it or allowed it. (Not sure there is a difference, there, either.) So I confess my dissatisfaction. It's sinful. I will look to you for guidance in all things. I will seek to satisfy your desires in my life. I will, most of all, seek your face and, therein, hope to find Godly wisdom and develop the most intensely intimate relationship that I have ever experienced with you.

I thank you that you still have work for me to do, as evidenced by the fact that I am still breathing. I pray for the grace to continue that work, just as you continue your work in my, towards completion.

And, finally, I choose peace.

What is your choice? Wrath or peace? "Cake or death?"

Who wouldn't choose cake?

Grace and peace, friends.

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