No Other Gospel...

Father, I pray for you to teach me something in the short time I have this morning. Getting my heart prepared to lead worship...I need inspiration from you.

Here's a prayer from the PPT site.

Prayer for America

Dear Father, as we stop to consider Presidents� Day, we want to praise You for the way You moved on the hearts of the founders of this Nation to create such a blessed land. We feel the disappointment, however, of a nation that seems to be turning away from You. O Lord, we ask that You might once again show Yourself as the Rock and Redeemer, Fortress and Defense of the American people, and in such a way that no one could deny that it was You who interceded for us. We bring this to you for Jesus� sake and in His name. Amen.

Psalm 26:6-8

I wash my hands in innocence and go around your altar, O LORD,
proclaiming thanksgiving aloud, and telling all your wondrous deeds.

O LORD, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells.

"Like David, I want to continually praise the Lord with my imagination, animation, and with everything I've got. Above all, I want to avoid boredom in God's house. With words and music, I want to bring excitement about the Lord to His dwelling place." (From A Musician Looks At the Psalms by Don Wyrtzen)

I echo this statement for myself. I love being in "God's house" with brothers and sisters in Christ. "God's house" happens to be wherever we gather. In face, we are God's house. We have a benefit that King David did not have. We have Jesus Christ dwelling within us, which makes us God's temple.

Luke 13:24

"Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able."

Those who would establish any other way to heaven than what the gospel of Christ reveals will find themselves wretchedly mistaken. The apostle presses upon the Galatians a due sense of their guilt in forsaking the gospel way of justification; yet he reproves with tenderness, and represents them as drawn into it by the arts of some that troubled them. In reproving others, we should be faithful, and yet endeavor to restore them in the spirit of meekness. Some would set up the works of the law in the place of Christ's righteousness, and thus they corrupted Christianity. The apostle solemnly denounces, as accursed, everyone who attempts to lay so false a foundation. All other gospels, other than that of the grace of Christ, whether more flattering to self-righteous pride or more favorable to worldly lusts are devices of Satan...we must also declare, that all dependence for justification on good works, whether real or supposed, is as fatal to those who persist in it. While we are zealous for good works, let us be careful not to put them in the place of Christ's righteousness, and not to advance anything which may betray others into so dreadful a delusion. Thus the apostle endeavors to impress upon these Galatians a due sense of their guilt in forsaking the gospel way of justification; and yet at the same time he tempers his reproof with mildness and tenderness towards them, and represents them as rather drawn into it by the arts and industry of some that troubled them than as coming into it of their own acord, which, though it did not excuse them, yet was some extenuation of their fault.

(From Matthew Henry Daily Readings, commentary on Galatians 1:6-9)

Father, I desire to be faithful in leading your people this morning and all mornings. It is a humbling place that you have put me in, that of being a worship leader. I love worshiping you, and believe with all my heart that it is the most important thing that the Church does. I don't ever want to be boring in your sanctuary. I ask that you give me inspiration during the week, between worship times, to be more creative with my imagination. That doesn't just mean I want to write more songs, which I would like to do, but that I might also make more arrangements to use in our worship times. This requires me to be more wise with my idle time during the week.

Father, I pray that I would never be guilty of trying to spread any other gospel than that which has been put forth by Jesus Christ and your Scriptures. I certainly would never hold to a "gospel" of works, which is no "gospel" at all. How could it be "good news" if we had to work our way to you?? Heaven forbid! You have chosen us, and you have provided the way for us to come to you. And you have placed within us the desire to serve and worship you, otherwise, we would not even be interested.

I praise you, Lord, this morning. I look forward to worshiping with the saints at Wings of Freedom. I also pray for the comfort of Melinda and Russel in this time of tragedy for them. Place your healing and comforting hand on them. Hold them in your arms.

I pray that all of you have a wonderful day today, and spend some time praising God, no matter what your circumstances.

Grace and peace, friends.

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