"Freedom and Unrestrained Confidence"

I'm feeling better today, somewhat. We had a good visit with Steph yesterday afternoon. I think she's doing better. She wants to get better.

I think I figured something out, though, yesterday evening. I think I'm grieving. It's like I've lost a loved one. I know that she's not "lost" in the truest sense of the word. But she is not currently where she is supposed to be, meaning in her bedroom at home. The house feels empty. Is this what "empty nest" feels like? I think this is different. Children are supposed to grow up and move away. That's normal. What is happening to us right now is not normal. So we're grieving.

I want my daughter back.

My Psalm for today is: Psalm 134

Wow. This one is great. The Psalmist calls for the people of God to bless him. To praise him. They have made the journey to the "holy city," now it is time to praise him who has blessed them. No matter what happened along the way. No matter who they quarreled with. No matter how many times they thought they couldn't make it, and almost gave up. It's time, now to bless God. Praise his name!

From Calvin: "Mention is made of his title as Creator to set forth his power, and convince believers there is nothing that may not be hoped from God. For what is the world but a mirror in which we see his boundless power? And those must be senseless persons indeed, that are not satisfied with the favour of him who is recognised by them as having all dominion, and all riches in his hand. Since many, however, are inclined, when they hear God spoken of as Creator, to conceive of him as standing at a distance from them, and doubt their access to him, the Psalmist makes mention also of that which was a symbol of God's nearness to his people--and this that they might be encouraged to approach him with the freedom and unrestrained confidence of persons who are invited to come to the bosom of a Father. By looking to the heavens then, they were to discover the power of God--by looking to Zion, his dwelling place, they were to recognise his fatherly love."


"...freedom and unrestrained confidence..." That, my friends is what we all need to experience today!! That is why I'm going to worship today!

My glorious Lord and Father, I thank you for this word today. I needed this more than anything! Today I need to experience the freedom and unrestrained confidence that can be found in you. I believe, my God! I believe. You are my Creator. You are my Strong Tower. I will run to you, and I will take refuge in your name!

Bless your holy name!

Bless God today! Praise his name, wherever you are!

Grace and peace, friends.

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