Love For the Brethren

Not much time this morning. I'll try to get in a quick Psalm reading. The Psalm for today is Psalm 119:62-63.

The Psalmist speaks of waking in the middle of his sleep to give thanks to God. Wow. How many of us do that? And it sounds like he does this purposefully, not like, "Oh, I woke up, so I'll thank God." He basically says that he simply cannot wait until morning to give thanks! He then declares friendship with all people who fear God. Can we all say this, as well? There are some people who supposedly "fear God" that I don't like very much. I need to work on that.

From Calvin:

The prophet...does not simply declare that he magnifies God's righteous judgments; he also affirms that he rose at midnight to do so, by which he expresses the earnestness of his desire; for the studies and cares which break our sleep necessarily imply great earnestness of soul.

David does not simply speak of the brotherly love and concord which true believers cultivate amongst themselves, but intimates that, whenever he met with any individual who feared God, he gave him his hand in token of fellowship, and that he was not only of the number of God's servants, but also their helper.

In Tabletalk Magazine this morning, the weekend article declares that "when someone in the church denies the orthodox basics of the gospel clearly taught in Scripture, we must quarrel with them." I agree with this. There is no room in the body of Christ for anyone, for example, who denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

The word "orthodox" comes from a Greek word which means "to cut straight." I like that. "We must not deviate from the truths set forth by Christ Himself."

We must not, however, allow ourselves to get into "wars" over topics such as end times or teachings about the millennial reign of Christ. These are not basics. These are not strict doctrinal matters. This is what Paul refers to when he tells us not to quarrel over foolish controversies. Churches have actually split over the color of the carpet. This is amazingly foolish. When it comes to those issues, Jesus would teach us meekness and humility. Paul would teach us to hold each other in higher regard than ourselves.

Father, thank you for the truth of Scripture. You have given me a zeal to protect that truth throughout my life. Let that not, however, become arguments over issues that are not "orthodox." Give me humility and love for my fellow Christian, as well. And, Father, please, oh, please, give me the ability in my heart to love everyone who calls themselves after the name of Christ. This is my heart's desire.

Time to go worship!

Grace and peace, friends!`

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