Never Forget

Up early on Saturday morning. But I slept good for the hours that I did sleep, at least.

My Psalm for today is Psalm 103:19-22. Reading from The Message.

GOD has set his throne in heaven; he rules over us all. He's the King!
So bless GOD, you angels, ready and able to fly at his bidding, quick to hear and do what he says.
Bless GOD, all you armies of angels, alert to respond to whatever he wills.
Bless GOD, all creatures, wherever you are--everything and everyone made by GOD.

And you, O my soul, bless GOD!

"...whenever God is mentioned, men should learn to ascend in their contemplations above the whole world, because his majesty transcends the heavens; and they should further learn not to measure his power by that of man, since it has under its control all kingdoms and dominions."

(Commentary from Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms)

Tabletalk Magazine

"Reverent Older Women"
Titus 2:3a

Reading from the English Standard Version

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine.

Paul actually dedicates three verses in this passage to the role of older women in the church, and this is really not surprising, because "how many of us have not had our faith bolstered as a result of the faithfulness of our mothers, grandmothers, and other godly ladies in the church?" Right off the bat, my mind is drawn to the memory of Miss Juanita Sullivan, who was one of my favorite childhood Sunday School teachers. She was an amazing woman, and I loved her dearly. I can't wait to find her in heaven and thank her. (Assuming we really get to do that kind of thing in heaven...I'm not 100% percent convinced that most people's ideas of heaven are accurate, but that's a topic for another day.)

The older women are told that they need to be "reverent" in behavior. Just like yesterday's description for older men, this includes self-control, dignity, and sober-mindedness. All of these traits can be produced by the Holy Spirit as people set their minds on God. Again, it is worth noting that none of these traits are brought about "apart from the grace of God through a firm commitment to biblical teaching."

Note also that Paul instructs the older women not to be "slanderers," "which includes maligning someone's character to their face or behind their back via gossip." Is there any sin that is commonly more tolerated today in the church than gossip? We even participate in gossip sometimes, under the disguise of "prayer requests." How shameful. I suddenly remember a couple of lines from an old Second Chapter of Acts song: "Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, chew, chew, chew, let's bite another back." (Yes, they borrowed part of that from "The Music Man.")

Holiness Day by Day

"Compelled By Christ's Love"
2 Corinthians 5:14

Reading from the English Standare Version

For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died;

What does Christ's love compel us to do? To "live no longer for ourselves but for Him who died for us and was raised again." "We make His will the rule of our lives and His glory the goal for which we live."

It is the love of Christ that "compels" us, it coerces us. "It is the governing influence which controls the life." Important: It is not fear of consequence or hope for reward. It is the love of Christ. This is the driving force of the Christian life.

"Christ's love is the constant wellspring of Paul's motivation every day. Paul never lost sight of, never forgot, never took for granted the death of Christ for him." Oh, my word, how often I have done those very things!

My God, my Savior! Forgive me for the times when I take your love, your death, your resurrection for granted! I am frequently reminded, via emails with the subject "Never forget," of the tragedies of September 11, 2001. Father, I need "Never Forget!" posted in the forefront of my brain, alongside pictures of my Savior on the cross, and pictures of an empty tomb, signifying his resurrection! Help me keep these things right in front. Let me never lose sight of Christ's love for me.

God, let my praise for you be so very high. I pray that I never try to understand your mighty power by looking at the acts of men. There is no act of man that could ever compare to your acts of wonder and power throughout history.

Father, today I pray for our nation's continuing economic woes. According to information on the PPT site, banks are still failing a record levels and our FDIC agency will begin this quarter running at a deficit. Lord, there are people who are telling us that our economy is recovering, and it sure doesn't seem to be. We need a miracle from you to help us.

Never forget! We say it about 9/11. We need to say it about the love of Christ, demonstrated by his death for us.

Grace and peace, friends.

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