Hold On For Dear Life

Good morning to all. Another hot day ahead, as usual. August in Texas. Ugh. Well, on to the "good stuff."

Here's a prayer request from the PPT site.

Rough housing news. Rates on 30-year mortgages rose this week, remaining above five percent after reaching a record low earlier this year. Meanwhile, the number of U.S. households facing foreclosure increased seven percent from June to July.

Psalm for today: 91:14-15

"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.
Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
(The Message)

"Here it is noticeable that God, in declaring from heaven that we shall be safe under the wings of his protection, speaks of nothing as necessary on the part of his people but hope or trust."

"Occasionally he assists even unbelievers, but it is only to his believing people that his help is vouchsafed, in the sense of his being their Saviour to the end."

(Commentary from Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms)

Tabletalk Magazine

"Beware the Love of Money"
1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. (ESV)

First, we must understand that, just because someone is wealthy, it does not mean that they got that way through sinful means, such as exploiting the poor or dishonesty. Scripture never tells us that riches are always gained at the expense of godliness. Those who are blessed by God with wealth receive these blessings for the purpose of being generous with them towards advancing God's kingdom and the welfare of others.

On the other hand, we must also understand that money carries a unique set of temptations. It is very easy for those who are wealthy to begin to trust in their riches rather than the Lord. It is also easy to compromise in order to hang on to those riches. But it is also true that poor people are easily tempted to be covetous. So ever state that a man might find himself in is prone to its own set of temptations.

Paul singles out the love of money here as a root of evil. It is not the sole root or source of temptation. "The abundance of resources available to us should make us beware lest we make wealth our god, but let us be on guard against the false deities of relativism, lust, narcissism, and so on that are also rampant in our culture."

Holiness Day by Day

"Kind and Good"
Acts 10:38

He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. (ESV)

--"He" being Jesus...

"Kindness is a sincere desire for the happiness of others; goodness is the activity calculated to advance that happiness." The inner disposition of kindness is created by the Holy Spirit and causes us to be sensitive to the needs of others. "Goodness is kindness in action."

Kindness can be simple. Something as easy as a smile can make someone's day when it might have been heading downhill. A word of encouragement can completely turn around a person's attitude. I know this from experience. And these are things that are virtually cost-free in terms of time, energy, and certainly money. But they require us to take a sincere interest in others. If not for the grace of God, we tend to be only concerned about ourselves; our plans, our problems, etc. But if we are growing and walking in grace, we will be interested in others and their well-being.

Goodness requires deliberate deeds. The word "good" is certainly used to describe something of upright and moral character. But it also, as in the case of our Scripture today, means actions that are beneficial to others.

Jesus went around doing good.

Do we want to be like him? "Then we must be continually sensitive to how we might meet the needs of those around us."

Father, these readings today really speak to me. I know that I need to be more sensitive to the needs of others. I am way too self-centered. There are times when I could do something "good," but I just can't be bothered. I pray for your Spirit to work within me to mold me into a kinder person. Give me a kinder spirit within me. This needs to bleed over into every area of my life; home, church, work, wherever I might be.

I pray that I would not be guilty of making a god out of money. Let me not "love" money. I pray that I will be satisfied with what I have and what I need. If you should choose to give me more than I need, I pray that I will be generous with it. You have given me a generous spirit, Father. I'm always ready to give something to people in need. I pray that this will never change. The more I'm blessed, the more I want to bless.

But I also pray for protection from the other things in life that can become little gods. Money is not the only danger. There are many others. You are my God. You are the only God, and only you are worthy of my worship and praise.

I thank you that you are always here, always ready to keep me and protect me. I thank you that you hear when I call. I pray that I will always call on you when I'm in trouble. Let me be quick to know to call on you even before I find trouble, or trouble finds me. Let me hold on to you for dear life, Lord. I will never let go of you.

There is nothing wrong with money or possessions. But when the love of these things supercedes everything else, then we have a serious problem.

Remember to call on the Lord, and he will certainly answer. Hold on to him with all you've got.

Grace and peace, friends.

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