Deserving of Nothing

I apologize for the lack of updatiness. It's been a rough week. I did finally get my MRI done this afternoon, a "stand-up" MRI, which was really a "sit-down" MRI. It was a tight squeeze, but we got it done, while I watch part of an episode of "Lost" on the SyFy (siffy??) channel. Raise your hand if you hate their new name. *raises both hands*

I've also had to make a VERY difficult decision this week, which I cannot divulge until later (a little over a week).

AND, I think I have a spider bite! Geez!! There's this hand-sized red spot on my left thigh with a head slightly off center, and it hurts! I'm really getting tired of pain. Makes me have a lot more respect for people who live with pain 24/7. I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow morning about that.

Here's a prayer request from the PPT site.

Congress takes up health care reform. Several committees will discuss and possibly vote on health care reform bills, including the House Democrats' $1.5 trillion proposal.

This is badly needed, but I fear they are heading down a horrible path on this.

Psalm for today: 82:1-2

1 God calls the judges into his courtroom, he puts all the judges in the dock.

2-4 "Enough! You've corrupted justice long enough,
you've let the wicked get away with murder.
(The Message)

"It is unquestionably a very unbecoming thing for those whom God has been pleased to invest with the government of making for the common good, not to acknowledge the end for which they have been placed in so elevated a station; but instead of doing this, contemning every principle of equity, to rule just as their own unbridled passions dictate. So infatuated are they by their own splendour and magnificence, as to imagine that the whole world was made only for them."

(Commentary from Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms)

Um...whoa! When was this written?? Heh. 16th century! 500 YEARS AGO!!! So. I guess our problems with our government are not original, eh? Heh. That's one reason we need to pray more vigorously for them.

Tabletalk Magazine

"The Pastor's Perseverance"
1 Timothy 4:16

Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. (ESV)

There's an important message here that could easily be misinterpreted. First of all, Paul is NOT abandoning salvation by grace. But the truth he is speaking of is that, while salvation is of the Lord, "He has decided to redeem people through the use of secondary means such as the preaching of the gospel by His servants." Guarding our lives through a constant pursuit of holiness assures that we and others will be saved. When Christians follow a path of sin, it can lead unbelievers to believe that Jesus has no power to change people.

"We have no control over the false opinions the world may form of us. But let us never give them fuel for their blasphemous fires."

Holiness Day by Day

"Acknowledging Unworthiness"
Luke 7:6

And Jesus went with them. When he was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends, saying to him, �Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof." (ESV)

Do we ever remind God about sacrifices we've made, and expect an answered prayer because of said sacrifices? Then grumble when our prayer isn't answered the way we wanted, instead of being grateful for the blessings we have received?

Look at this Roman Centurion. He sent some Jewish leaders to get Jesus. They proclaimed his worthiness, but when Jesus got to him, He said, "I am not worthy to have you come under my roof!" What humility! We would do well to consider ourselves in the same light! If you know the story, you know he received what he asked for, and in doing so, also received a blessing in knowing that he received something he did not deserve.

There is much too much of an attitude of "entitlement" among Christians today. We have no entitlement! We deserve NOTHING from God! We need to get away from that kind of thinking and become humbly grateful for whatever he chooses to send our way.

Father, I pray for our government, today. It does seem as though our government officials (most of them, at least) seem to mirror John Calvin's description in his commentary. I pray that you would send people to our capitols that would infuse an attitude of serving the people that elected them. Actually, I would rather they serve YOU! Then worry about us. But I pray that you protect us from politicians who have their own interests at heart.

I pray that I would be faithful to pursue holiness, so that my witness might never be compromised. I'm not a "preacher," but I certainly have a responsibility in this world to be a witness for Christ.

Finally, I pray that I would never have an attitude that I deserve anything from you. I don't believe that for a minute. I deserve nothing from you, and am grateful for what I have received from you. This doesn't mean I have a self-image problem. Quite the contrary, I believe it means I have a healthy self-image.

May your name be praised forever more!

We should all check our attitudes from time to time. Do we think we deserve things from God? Do we remind him of our sacrifices? As though he needed reminding of anything!

Grace and peace, friends.

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