Justice Or Mercy? Or Both?

Trying to wake up this morning. Coffee in hand. Well...not exactly "in hand," otherwise I couldn't, you know, type. But it's sitting right next to my hand. Gonna be a semi-busy day. 'Rents are coming over for lunch to celebrate Father's Day.

Here's a prayer request for today from the Presidential Prayer Team site.

The North Korean threat. U.S. military officials report it has deployed anti-missile defenses around Hawaii, following reports that North Korea is preparing to launch its most advanced ballistic missile in that direction, possibly to coincide with the July 4th holiday.

Psalm for today: 74

1 You walked off and left us, and never looked back. God, how could you do that?
We're your very own sheep;
how can you stomp off in anger?

2-3 Refresh your memory of us�you bought us a long time ago.
Your most precious tribe�you paid a good price for us!
Your very own Mount Zion�you actually lived here once!
Come and visit the site of disaster,
see how they've wrecked the sanctuary.

4-8 While your people were at worship, your enemies barged in,
brawling and scrawling graffiti.
They set fire to the porch;
axes swinging, they chopped up the woodwork,
Beat down the doors with sledgehammers,
then split them into kindling.
They burned your holy place to the ground,
violated the place of worship.
They said to themselves, "We'll wipe them all out,"
and burned down all the places of worship.

9-17 There's not a sign or symbol of God in sight,
nor anyone to speak in his name,
no one who knows what's going on.
How long, God, will barbarians blaspheme,
enemies curse and get by with it?
Why don't you do something? How long are you going
to sit there with your hands folded in your lap?
God is my King from the very start;
he works salvation in the womb of the earth.

With one blow you split the sea in two,
you made mincemeat of the dragon Tannin.
You lopped off the heads of Leviathan,
then served them up in a stew for the animals.
With your finger you opened up springs and creeks,
and dried up the wild floodwaters.
You own the day, you own the night;
you put stars and sun in place.
You laid out the four corners of earth,
shaped the seasons of summer and winter.

18-21 Mark and remember, God, all the enemy
taunts, each idiot desecration.
Don't throw your lambs to the wolves;
after all we've been through, don't forget us.
Remember your promises;
the city is in darkness, the countryside violent.
Don't leave the victims to rot in the street;
make them a choir that sings your praises.

22-23 On your feet, O God�
stand up for yourself!
Do you hear what they're saying about you,
all the vile obscenities?
Don't tune out their malicious filth,
the brawling invective that never lets up.
(The Message)

"We know how difficult it is to rise above all doubts, and boldly to persevere in a free and unrestrained course of prayer. Here, then, the faithful call to remembrance the proofs of God's mercy and working, by which he certified, through a continued series of ages, that he was the King and Protector of the people whom he had chosen. By this example we are taught, that as it is not enough to pray with the lips unless we also pray in faith, we ought always to remember the benefits by which God has given a confirmation of his fatherly love towards us, and should regard them as so many testimonies of his electing love."

Calvin is kind of hard to understand sometimes, but I think the gist of this reading is that, no matter how bleak the circumstances, we need to keep praying in faith and always remember the benefits which God has given us, thereby remembering that, no matter what he allows to come our way, he loves us with an everlasting love.

Holiness Day by Day

"Justice Honored"
Hebrews 9:27

And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, (ESV)

I think it safe to say that most of us, when faced with God's judgment (and that day will most certainly come), would prefer mercy over justice. The dilemma, however, is that God's justice is certain, "and it is inflexible."

2 Thessalonians 1:6-8 tells us that God will punish those who do not know him and did not obey Jesus. Romans 12:9 says, �Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.�

What is justice? It could be defined as "rendering to everyone according to one's due. Justice means getting exactly what we deserve--nothing more, nothing less." In our society, there is a constant tension between justice and mercy and one frequently prevails at the expense of the other. "But with God, justice always prevails. His justice must be satisfied; otherwise His moral judgment would be undermined."

"God does not exalt His mercy at the expense of His justice." All sin must be punished, without exception. There is no such thing as "mere forgiveness."

All of this sounds very bleak, doesn't it? I found myself asking, "Wait...what about mercy??" We know that God shows mercy. However, the catch is this: "The death of Jesus was a complete and full satisfaction of divine just for all who trust in Him." There you go. That's the answer. We receive what appears to be mercy because we have received the benefit of believing in Jesus Christ, who satisfied God's justice! At the cross, justice and mercy meet in complete harmony. "Therefore, as believers we can rejoice in the abundant mercy of God through Christ, while also fully honoring the inviolate nature of His holy justice."


Dear Jesus, I thank you for enduring the suffering and pain of the cross to satisfy the Father's justice.

That sounds so lame. But it's the best I can do. Words cannot fully express the gratitude that I feel. Jesus, your sacrifice allowed mercy to be shown to me and all of my brothers and sisters in you. Were it not for you, God's justice would rain down on us like the hail that plagued Egypt. We would have no place to hide. But because of you, God is our strong tower. We have a place to run and hide, where we are protected.

I know what I deserve, because I know what a sinner I am. But I also know that I am chosen in you, Jesus, before the foundations of the earth, and that I am part of your bride, waiting for the day when your marriage to your bride will be consummated. What a glorious day that will be, and I can't pretend to fully grasp the significance of it. It is a mystery that I will not fully understand until it happens, and maybe not even then.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! This world is so fragile. I do not believe that it can hold up much longer. I long for your return to rescue your Church from this place.

In this world, we see trials and tribulations like never before. We have threats of violence from both outside and inside our country. But God is faithful. We must stay connected to him, no matter what. And on that sweet day, somewhere in the future, Christ will return, and we, the Church, His Bride, will abide with him forever!


Grace and peace, friends!

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