
Good morning! Sunday morning, getting ready for "church." Very much a "normal" routine here.

Here's the daily prayer for President Obama from the Praying Through the First 100 Days site.

For members of the Obama administration to love mercy
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
�Matthew 5:7 (NIV)

Mercy the ability to display compassion and forbearance in the life of another is a rare commodity in today�s world, particularly among those in leadership who can be so easily blinded to mercy by the perceived trappings of their own power. Yet, Lord, You�ve told us that those who show mercy receive a double benefit from You; they will be blessed, and they will be shown mercy in return.

O God, let this incredible truth from Scripture be made known today to President Obama and those who serve in his administration. As a result, Lord, let them desire to display mercy more often in their lives, to their loved ones first and then to those You have given them authority over. Help them, Heavenly Father, to be living examples of selfless love and patience, and reward them for their obedience to You. We ask this and thank You for it, amen.

Psalm for Today: Psalm 15:1

O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?

In today's commentary from Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms, Calvin warns agains separating from the church because of impurities within. There will always be impurities in the body of Christ, at least until Christ returns. In regard to this, Calvin says this: But Christ, in Matthew 25:32 just claims it as his own peculiar office to separate the sheep from the goats; and thereby admonishes us, that we must bear with the evils which it is not in our power to correct, until all things become ripe, and the proper season of purging the Church arrive. In other words, it's not our job to purify the church. It's Christ's.

Day 322 in The Message//Remix:Solo

It's review day, so I'll look at the last six devotions to see what God showed me.


Paul is giving Timothy some qualifications for people who would be "elders" and "deacons" in the church. It's actually a fairly challenging list, and one of the most challenging characteristics is that one be able to manage his own affairs. So, if someone was irresponsible in their home life, they would not be acceptable to look at as an elder or servant of the church.

Reading these qualifications should cause us all to aspire to a higher moral level in our own lives.

DAY 317--GET THE WORD OUT--1 Timothy 4:10-16

I think the main point in this reading was, that in our interaction with other believers, we should be doing two things: teaching, and "keeping." Keeping at it, keeping our faith maintained. But in our teaching (and we can all be "teachers," no matter how old), it is to be "...with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity." That should keep us busy for a while.

DAY 318--THE SPECIAL MINISTRY--1 Timothy 5:1-4,7-10

The "special ministry" mentioned here, is that of taking care of widows in the church. But there are qualifications listed for widows to be eligible for "offering assistance." It's actually a pretty tough list, too.

But what I got out of this is what kind of elderly person I want to grow up to be. Someone who has taken care of his family, never gets tired of doing what needs to be done, who always works in the strength of the Lord. I want people to view me the same way I view a certain elderly lady in our church. Even more than that. I want people to see Jesus when they look at me.

DAY 319--BEING YOURSELF BEFORE GOD--1 Timothy 6:6-12

Paul defines the "wealth" that the "devout life brings" as "the rich simplicity of being yourself before God." Who would have ever thought of that being "wealth?" "If we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that's enough." We are instructed to "run for your life" from and temptation towards greed.

I'm struggling with this "simplicity" idea. I have been for a long time. But I think I'm getting gradually better at the idea of being myself before God. Thing is...we can't trick God. We can't deceive him. He knows us better than we know ourselves, so why bother putting up masks?


For the second day in a row, Paul tells us to "run away," or "flee." This time it's "youthful passions," "youthful lusts," or, as Peterson translates in The Message, "infantile indulgences." We are to run away from these, and run towards "mature righteousness."

Easier said than done, right? This means that when we run away, it needs to have direction, not just be "helter-skelter." Fix your eyes on Jesus and run towards him.

Oh, yeah...and there was that part about not being argumentative.

I'm still sore from that kick in the gut...

You know...the hardest thing about these instructions is remembering them when we get challenged. At least that's my experience. I read these things. I agree with them, wholeheartedly. Then later in the day, when I get a chance to practice what I have "learned," it all goes out the window. I need to pray for the Holy Spirit to remind me what he has taught me.

DAY 321--GOD-BREATHED AND USEFUL--2 Timothy 3:1-5,15-17

We get a vivid description of our society and all of its ills, even the parts that pretend to be "religious." But then we also get hope. We have the Scriptures which are "God-breathed and useful." Useful for "showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way." And I think we could all use some of that every day.

Father, give me reminders, daily, from your Holy Spirit of what you have taught me. Especially when it comes to that argumentative spirit. When the tests come, let me remember what kind of person I'm supposed to be, who you would have me to be. Let your Scriptures breath new life into me every day.

Now, as I head to "church," I pray that our worship time will be exactly that. Worship. Help me to set aside all distractions and truly worship you this morning.

Carpe eternus vita, friends!

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