
I'll start this Saturday morning off with the Presidential Prayer Team daily prayer for President-elect Obama and company.

For God�s guidance, wisdom and help for Robert Gibbs, President Elect Obama�s choice for White House Press Secretary
He will speak to the people for you�
�Exodus 4:16

We praise You today for the way You understand and weigh our words, thoughts and motives. We glorify You for the way You help us say the right things at the right time. It is only through You that the words of mouth can bring blessings instead of curses to those that hear them.

With this realization, Lord, we now ask You to help Robert Gibbs as he steps up to serve President-Elect Barack Obama and the nation as the next White House Press Secretary. God, this position is so very important and so very visible to our national media, we ask that You anoint Robert Gibbs with a thoughtful and prudent tongue with the right words to say in routine press briefings and in times of national crisis. O God, we thank you for Your grace and wisdom in selecting this man to serve, in the name of Christ our Lord, amen.

Psalm for Today: Psalm 135

For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.
Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.
He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightning for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses.
Verses 5-7

Day 299 in The Message//Remix:Solo

Philippians 2:2-11

This is a very famous passage. It includes what is considered by many to be a "hymn" that Paul wrote. Dennis Jernigan, a modern Psalmist, composed a song around this passage, called "At the Name of Jesus."

But also in this passage, is described the extent to which Jesus went to save us. He did what the title of this devotion says, he set aside advantages. But before Paul describes this, he tells the Philippians not to be obsessed with getting their own advantages. He told them to forget themselves and lend a helping hand. "Put yourselves aside, and help others get ahead," he told them.

Then he described what Jesus did. Jesus had equal status with God, but he didn't cling to that advantage. He set aside his privileges and became human. He lived a selfless, obedient life, then died a selfless, obedient death. The result of this? God highly exalted him to the point that, at some point in history, every created thing will bow down to Jesus Christ in worship and sing his praises. Everything, everyone, everywhere. Whether they want to or not.

I think it is an amazing thing that Jesus did not hold onto his privileges and refuse to do this thing. I supposed he could have. But the intimate fellowship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is such that we can't even begin to imagine.

It's not so amazing to me that, as a result of his obedience, Jesus is lifted high and exalted. It's not amazing to me that "at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." He deserves that. He deserves it hundred-fold. And he truly deserves that all people do it willingly. Sadly, this will not happen.

Now, going back to the first part of the passage...what does God want from me, from you? He wants us to love each other. There's that love thing again. I have been reminded during this past year, more than ever before, how much we are supposed to love each other. And, consequently, how much we, as a church, are failing that expectation.

God doesn't want me in front, or at the top. He doesn't want me to be concerned at all about my position or my so-called "honor." He wants me to set myself aside and help others get ahead. He wants me to "lend a helping hand."

If Jesus can set aside privileges that are rightfully his in order to be obedient and die for us, then how can I not set aside myself, and "privileges" that I really have no right to.

Jesus, I have great admiration for the sacrifice that you made to be obedient and die for us. The status that you gave up is such that I can't even imagine it. I cannot imagine equality with God. Yet you had it and gave it up. For us. I praise you for that. I also look to that as my inspiration for my life. I see what you need me to do. Now help me apply it. Show me in everyday life how I can make it reality. Help me love. Help me love others more than myself.

Now I have yet another goal for 2009. Feet firmly planted on love, show more gratitude, and set myself aside in order to help others.

This is getting more challenging by the day. Pray for me, friends!!

Grace and peace, friends.

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