
Welcome to December!

I'll begin with today's prayer for the President-elect from The Presidential Prayer Team site.

For godly wisdom to guide President-Elect Barack Obama as he works with Secretary of State (appointee) Hillary Clinton, that our relationships with other nations will be strengthened

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry.
�Psalm 34:14-15

All-wise God, thank You that knowledge and understanding are found in You alone. You are the source of all wisdom, and we praise You for offering to us Your endless insight and understanding.

Lord, the position of Secretary of State is pivotal for our nation in this time of international concern. We pray for the President Elect's appointee to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, that she will be strengthened by You as she prepares to lead this vital department. May she receive wisdom and grace from You and lead with even temper and calm resolve as she works for reconciliation and unity with the nations of the world. Lord, give Your direction and wisdom to Senator Clinton as she prepares to serve in the new administration. Guide President Elect Obama as he works with Senator Clinton, that together they may work to bring about Your will. We thank You, Lord, for leading our new President, in the name of Jesus, amen.

Psalm for Today: Psalm 119:153-160

The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever. Verse 160

Day 281 in The Message//Remix:Solo

2 Corinthians 9:8-15

Paul's main point in this passage is the generosity of God. "He throws caution to the winds, giving to the needy in reckless abandon. His right-living, right-giving ways never run out, never wear out."

Generosity is a very important element of God's character. Jesus speaks many times of the importance of taking care of the poor. A good friend of mine has had a burden on his heart for years to begin an orphanage in Peru. He is currently in that country, working with a church. He won't be able to begin an orphanage any time soon, but he's one step closer. He takes seriously Jesus's admonitions to take care of widows and orphans.

Are we, as followers of Christ, known as generous people? Let me tell you something. I've been embarrassed to sit with some Christians in restaurants when tipping time comes. Some of the worst tippers I know are Christians. Many don't even give the standard 15%. What kind of witness is this? I thank God that he as made me a pretty generous person. (This is not a "thank you that I'm not like this other guy" prayer, though.) If someone needs change at work, and I don't have the exact change, I will always try to give them what they need (they are usually just trying to come up with a dollar or so for a soda). They will usually pay me back the next day, but I'm not worried about it if they don't. If I'm at a place where a dollar will break me, I'm pretty bad off.

I can't give to everyone who calls my house, asking for donations (I have a healthy skepticism about some of those rogue organizations, too), but we support quite a few with yearly, or even more often, donations. There are several groups that send trucks around picking up used items that we no longer need. And believe me, we have plenty of those. We are so very blessed, and we recognize that, so we try to give generously to those who aren't.

I don't say all this to "blow my own horn." I don't believe in that. But it is to illustrate how God has placed within us the generosity that comes from his own heart. We, as God's people, as followers of Jesus, should be "giving to the needy in reckless abandon," just like God does.

Even so, there is much room for growth in my life. I am sometimes stingy with my time. It's easy to give money and used clothes and books and stuff. Especially "stuff." But time...that's a different story. There are people who are more generous with their time than I am. I balk at giving up a Friday night or a Saturday afternoon. So I have room for growth in my own generosity.

My life is supposed to belong to Jesus. Therefore, he has the right to do whatever he wants with me.

Father, I know full well that I have too much "stuff." My house is cluttered. We do give, though, frequently. I thank you that you have placed at least a semi-generous spirit within me. But help me to be more generous with non-tangibles, like my time and abilities. I should be donating my musical abilities somewhere. Not just using them to make extra money by being a "worship leader." (You are shaking up my whole philosophy on that even now, but that's a different prayer for a different time.) I desire to be even more generous. I also ask for the discipline for us to be more financially responsible, so that we can be more generous with our money.

"Go and live with generosity at the forefront of your mind."

Grace and peace, friends.

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