
My wife is resting well this evening after undergoing a hysterectomy this morning. All went well and she should be home tomorrow afternoon.

Psalm for today: Psalm 113

Who is like the LORD our God, who is seated on high, who looks far down on the heavens and the earth?
He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people.

Day 259 in The Message//Remix:Solo

It's review day. Time to review the last six Message devotions.

DAY 253--WHY ARE YOU OUT TO GET ME?--Acts 26:12-18

Jesus did not ask "Saul" to change before he could give him a mission. Jesus took care of the change himself. He then gave the mission to "Paul." If we wait to change before we embark on what God has called us to do, we will never do it. We must rely on God for the change, and simply obey him.

DAY 254--PRIDE COMES BEFORE A FALL--Romans 2:17-24

We must never become arrogant or complacent because of our heritage. This happened to the Jews. Paul admonished them about this in the passage above. Just because someone has been going to church all his/her life doesn't make them immune to temptation or sin. We must always be diligent and watchful, as well as humble in the face of what God has accomplished in us through Christ.


We must focus on what God can do. What only God can do. We must not focus on what seems impossible. We must believe when everything appears to be hopeless. Abraham believed, and was blessed with an heir at almost 100 years old. What can he do for us?

DAY 256--SO-CALLED FREEDOM--Romans 6:15-21

"Freedom" is not doing whatever you want. It is, however, offering your body to God to use as he pleases. On the surface, that doesn't sound like freedom, does it? But it is. "Freedom" is freedom from rather than freedom to. And in Christ, we are free from a lot of things.


Again, one of my favorite passages in the entire Bible. Nothing can come between us and God's love. The title says it all. The Scripture says it all. I really can't add anything to that.

DAY 258--EMBRACE GOD, HEART AND SOUL--Romans 10:8-13

When we believe, according to Romans 10:9-10, we are doing exactly what the title says. Embracing God, heart and soul. And what we are embracing is the work that God did when he raised Jesus from the dead. He is working that same work within us. This is a very mystical thing that many people just don't get, and I can't say as I blame them a whole heck of a lot. It's hard to grasp. In fact, it is impossible to grasp. Without the Holy Spirit's intervention. That's why we need him.



Grace and peace, friends.

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