
Ugh. Allergies. Ragweed. Ugh.

Psalm for Today: Psalm 100

Know that the LORD, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
Verses 3-4

Tabletalk Magazine

Matthew 22:41-45 David's Lord

"How is it then that David, in the Spirit, calls him Lord, saying, 'the Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet'?" Verses 43-44

Jesus turns the tables on the religious authorities by asking them the question, this time. He asks them to name the Messiah's father. "That's easy," they think. "David."

Jesus does not disagree with them, but the question he asks puzzles them to the point of totally shutting them up. How could David's son be David's Lord, too? Jesus quotes Psalm 110. "If, as most first-century Jews believed, Psalm 110 is messianic, David's son, the Messiah ("my Lord"), is greater than his father. And who besides Yahweh is greater than David, the most exalted king of ancient Israel?"

Jesus is, in effect, forcing them to rethink their Christology, and pretty much asking them the same thing he asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?"

Day 248 in The Message//Remix:Solo

Acts 12:7-15

This story has a little bit of humor in it, in my opinion. Peter was in prison, in chains. An angel appeared, shook Peter and got him up. The chains fell off, and the angel hurried Peter out the door, past the guards. The iron gate, swung upon on its own, and the angel took him out on the street. The angel left him, eventually, to find his own way back. He went to Mary's house, the mother of John Mark. A bunch of people were together there, praying. When he knocked on the door, a servant named Rhoda answered the door. She was so shocked to see Peter, that, instead of opening the door to let him in, she ran back to tell the people. Heh. I can just imagine Peter standing outside the door, going, "Um....hello? Let me in?" In the meantime, Rhoda had a difficult time convincing those praying that Peter was actually standing outside! They told her she was crazy! How's that for faith that God will answer prayers??

Why do we pray for things and then don't believe it when God answers? I've done it, too. You know you have faith, but I think this is how it is: I think that I believe that God can do it; I'm just not sure that he will. So then, when he does, I'm surprised.

I totally believe that the Spirit is fully able to accomplish anything that I need. My problem is that, sometimes, I'm afraid I'm not "good enough" for God to answer me. Again, I don't think this shows a lack of faith, per se. It's more a lack of confidence.

What's the difference? I'm not sure. But there is a difference. At least in my head, there is.

God, I know you have power beyond my wildest imagination. Show me something that I can pray for that I know you will do. That I can believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will do. Increase my faith in your will. I don't need faith in your ability. I have that. I need faith in your willingness to act on behalf of your children.

Let's go through the next day trying to be keenly aware of how the Holy Spirit is working, even in the most mundane of circumstances.

Grace and peace, friends.

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