
Another day. I'm still pondering yesterday's revelation. And I guess that's a good thing. If God gives you a revelation, it should be something that occupies your mind and heart for a while. Because I've got to get it right.

Psalm for today: Psalm 44

For our soul is bowed down to the dust;
our belly clings to the ground.
Rise up, come to our help!
Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!
Verses 25-26

Day 194

Haggai 2:1-9

"GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies" is speaking to his people again about the condition of his temple. This follows right on the heels of yesterday's devotion. Yesterday, he admonished the people for their stinginess, which was the ultimate cause of the fact that his temple remained in ruins while they lived in nice houses.

Today, he's telling them, "Get to work!!"

Put into action the word I covenanted with you when you left Egypt. I'm living and breathing among you right now. Don't be timid. Don't hold back.

The phrase that stands out the most to me is, "I'm living and breathing among you right now."

I don't think there's a one of us that would deny that we believe that God is always with us. Is there? But how many of us really believe that God is "living and breathing among" us right now? What effect would it have on our lives and our actions if we truly believed this?

Well, we need to believe it, because he says it. I do understand that this passage of prophecy is directly stated to the returned exiles of Israel, but I firmly believe that this is one that can be translated directly to us today. God IS living and breathing among us RIGHT NOW!! So don't be timid. Don't hold back.

Now how does this go along with my ephiphany from yesterday? Well, if I (along with all other believers) am to actively care for the body of Christ, I need the ongoing power of the Lord present in my life every day. I need him "living and breathing" with me right now!

This tells me that I have the power that I need to achieve what the Lord has told me I need to achieve. Why have I ever doubted this? I've seen passages in the Bible before that have told me the same truth. For example, 2 Peter 1:3 tells me that His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. I have everything I need!

And what is the final product of this work?

This Temple is going to end up far better than it started out, a glorious beginning but an even more glorious finish: a place in which I will hand out wholeness and holiness.

So God's temple is a place where he will hand out wholeness and holiness. The body of Christ is now his temple. I don't think I'm stretching this too far. At least I hope not.

We, the "church," are to be handing out wholeness and holiness. Or God is going to hand it out through us. Either way.

This is excites me greatly!

My heart is really going to be pondering this new insight for a few days.

Father, I am, for the moment, almost speechless, as I ponder this new revelation that you have given me. New to me, anyway. It's been right there in the little book of Haggai for centuries, hasn't it?

Give me grace and mercy as I meditate on this truth. Help me do two things: first, to receive the "wholeness and holiness" that you are handing out, and second, to be a vessel through which you can hand out more "wholeness and holiness." I don't for a minute believe that this means you are going to physically heal everyone. I don't think that's what "wholeness" means. I think it means being made whole through a relationship with you.

Oh, my God, you are wonderful and amazing. That you would reveal something like this to me at this time in my life is remarkable. I praise you for this, and ask you to cement this in my spirit. Let me not just read it and walk away. Let it become an integral part of my ministry.

Wow. That's all I can say right now.

Grace and peace, friends.

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