Teach Us How To Live

I'm really tired this morning. Baseball game last night. Rangers won.

Psalm for today: Psalm 35

"Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore,
'Great is the LORD,
who delights in the welfare of his servant!'
Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long." Verses 27-28

I will point out that the only righteousness that I possess is the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I have none of my own.

Day 181

Micah 4:1-4

There's a lot of imagery in this passage, and it's difficult to know exactly when this is supposed to take place in time. The first verse of the passage says, "When all is said and done, GOD's Temple on the mountain, firmly fixed, will dominate all mountains, towering above surrounding hills."

People will flock to this temple, from which "true teaching" will issue. The best part to me of this prophecy is the last part that says, "Nations will quit fighting each other, quit learning how to kill one antother. Each man will sit under his own shade tree, each woman in safety will tend her own garden." I like that. I want my own shade tree.

I think the reason this part connects with me so much is that I am tired of this world. I'm tired of the fighting and not just the "war" kind of fighting. I'm tired of the struggle of day-to-day existence in this world. And I don't even have an inkling of the kinds of struggles Andy has! I'm tired of fighting with temptation and this body that desires sin. I'm ready for that shade tree. I'm read to look at Jesus for eternity. I'm ready for the true Worship that I practice for every Sunday morning.

I'm reay to lay it down.

Father, I pray for your "true teaching" to prevail in this world. I pray for people to see the worthiness of your truth. I pray for people to put down the sword (though I truly know it will never happen until you return). I pray for peace in relationships, in families, in nations, in this world. And I pray for your return.

What kind of people do we need to be to bring on this "true teaching?" May we follow God closely each day.

Grace and peace, friends.

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