Anticipating the Workings of God

Stephie and I had a wonderful time at Dennis Jernigan's Night of Praise last night. It was one of the best ones ever, in my opinion.

Psalms for today: 19, 49, 79, 109, 139

With my mouth I will give great thanks to the LORD;
I will praise him in the midst of the throng.
For he stands at the right hand of the needy,
to save him from those who condemn his soul to death.--Psalm 109:30-31

Day 141

Isaiah 65:17-22

This is a beautiful depiction of the future in store for God's people. When this is supposed to take place, however, is uncertain, as it speaks of how long people will live ("One-hundredth birthdays will be considered normal--"). Nevertheless, it is a scenario that is filled with hope. Hope of no weeping, no babies dying in the cradle, no one who doesn't enjoy a full lifetime. The main point to me, is the verse that says, "Look ahead with joy. Anticipate what I'm creating." This is God's message to us in this passage. We should be constantly looking ahead with joy to what God is creating for us. For after we endure this life that is so full of pain and disappointments, there will be a shining future. We will, in fact, be "shiny, happy people!" Heh. This should give us a different perspective as we live our lives. There really is no place for depression in this scenario. Doesn't mean it won't happen, because we do let our circumstances get in our faces, sometimes. Just last night, I was standing while Dennis Jernigan sang over those of us who needed to know that everything's going to be alright. And in the circumstances for which I was standing, I beleive this is true. But before last night, I had allowed them to overwhelm me a bit. The reality is, this should not be. Because the reality is that God has prepared a future for us that is so far and above what we are experiencing right now.

Now this doesn't mean that we should all go around with big, stupid grins on our faces and pretend that nothing's wrong all the time. Far from it. When we feel pain, we should acknowledge it. How else does anyone know we need ministry?? But we just don't let the pain rule our lives. We let God rule, and the hope of the future grace that he has for us.

Father, I thank you that the future that I have in store is glorious. Help me know this whenever pain of any kind, either physical or emotional, enters into my life. Yes, I will acknowledge the pain, but, Lord, let it now rule over me. Let your love and grace reign in me. I am excited about the future that you have in store for me. Let me keep focused on that.

"Live with the deep assurance of God's desire for you to possess hope and joy and peace today."

Grace and peace, friends.

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