A Night of Trials


My word, what a night.

It seems as though we are under some kind of attack.

Stephanie has been sick on and off for three weeks, now. The most recent thing was alleged by our doctor to be a reaction to Omnicef, an antibiotic that was given to her roughly two weeks ago for an ear infection. The week after the ear infection, she got some kind of viral infection. Last Wednesday night, she began presenting with red blotches on her arm and her joints started swelling and getting stiff and painful.

We went back to the doctor on Thursday afternoon. That was when he surmised "Erythema Multiforme."

Well, last night, we were at the Rangers Ballpark, waiting for the game to start after watching Third Day play before the game. Stephie was complaining more and more of her wrist hurting (she had gotten some better). We wound up leaving the stadium before the game ever started. We got home, waited for her mother to get home, then Christi called the nurse hotline on our insurance card. After describing everything, they suggested we needed to get Stephie to an urgent care or emergency room. So Christi took her, and I stayed home, only because I needed to get some sleep so I could be at church this morning (I'm the worship leader, so I kind of have to be there). This was getting on close to 9pm. They didn't get home until close to 4am. They did blood work, some of which we won't know about until Monday. Their best "guess" is that the viral infection had settled in her joints. They gave her Motrin, which helped a lot.

In the meantime, Rachel (other daughter) came into our room at around 5am to inform us that she had to go back to her school apartment to get a breathing treatment. She was having a severe asthma attack and had left her breathing machine at the other home.

She's back here, now, and will make it to church to play guitar with me. But wow. I got hardly any sleep last night, because I was, quite frankly, terrified about what was wrong with Stephanie.

Funny, huh? I talk about God being in control and all, and I do believe he is, but it's those unknown things that scare me sometimes. I know that God is going to do what is just and best. I just don't know what all that involves, and sometimes his idea of what is best doesn't quite match up with mine. Of course, this is when I need to change my ideas, innit?

Now for some Psalms. 13, 43, 73, 103, 133

He does not deal with us according to our sins,
nor repay us according to our iniquities. {Hallelujah!}
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
As a father shows compassion to his children,
so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him.
For he knows our frame;
he remembers that we are dust.--Psalm 103:10-14

Note the conditions in that passage..."those who fear him." Also note that east and west go in a straight line. Therefore, they are infinitely apart. THAT is how far the Lord has removed our sins from us!

Father, thank you for these promises. Thank you that you do not treat us as our sins deserve. We would surely perish if you did.

I pray for my family this morning. I'm sleepily sitting here, trying to prepare my spirit for worship, but there are things on my heart that are weighing me down.

I pray for healing for Stephie. She doesn't understand what is going on with her body, why it hurts so much. Please place your healing hand on her and comfort her.

Give us rest this afternoon. Give my wife good rest right now while Rachel and I go to church.

May your name be glorified in all the earth. Even as the "American Idol" finalists lifted up your name this past week, (even though some of them, no doubt, had no clue what they were singing) let your name be lifted up in all the earth. I pray that all your people will praise your name, so the rocks don't have to.

Grace and peace, friends.

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