Tell God Your Desire

Today's Psalms: 5, 35, 65, 95, 125

Content, O LORD, with those who contend with me;
fight against those who fight against me!
Take hold of shield and buckler and rise for my help!
Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers!
Say to my soul, "I am your salvation."--Psalm 35:1-3

We may not actually have someone launching a physical attack on us (although I think Satan has been launching one against our pastor), but we do have "things" that pursue us and fight against us, even if it's just temptations. And we need the Lord's help to fight against them.

Day 75

Psalm 13

In this Psalm, the Psalmist is shouting at God, tired of being, seemingly, ignored. We know, of course, that God does not ignore us. But sometimes, he asks us to wait. This paslmist was tired of waiting. And apparently, his whining did some good, judging from the celebrations in the last two verses of the Psalm.

There are certainly times in my life when I have felt ignored by God. In my heart I know it's not true, but it still seems so. And I have desires that need to be met, as well. I still struggle with a "besetting sin" that I need God's strength to fight. Sometimes it seems like I make no progress at all against it.

I need God as "Almighty God" to step down and smite me with tenacity. Heh.

Almighty God, give me strength.

I will remember to pray this short prayer throughout this night at work, especially since I'm still not feeling real great.

Grace and peace, y'all.

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