Open Arms

Psalms for today: 15, 45, 75, 105, 135

Seek the LORD and his strength;
seek his presence continually!

Day 54


2 Chronicles 30:1, 5-9

The sadness of the time is indicated by one little line concerning the Passover. In verse 5, it says, "No one living had ever celebrated it properly."

Hezekiah is about to change that. He is having a Passover celebration and verses 6-9 are the invitation to all of Israel to return back to God and his celebration. He will welcome them with "open arms."


It says to listen for a new perspective as I read this passage. I'm taken by the repetition of the idea of "clasping God's outstretched hand" and being welcomed by his "open arms." This isn't exactly a "new" perspective, but one that bears returning to when we tend to forget about God's great mercy and grace.

As Sweeney Todd so aptly put it in one of his songs, "We all deserve to die." That is what we deserve from God. Death. Punishment. Separation. But he extends his outstretched hands and his open arms to us. All we need do is take them. Embrace him. He will always welcome us back, just as the father welcomed back the prodigal son.

But we must also be aware that there will come a day when his mercy will end. At least for a few moments, while the final judgment of earth takes place.

After that, we will be the recipients of his great mercy for all eternity.


Here are some questions to help me examine the perspective from various angles.

Do you ever fear approaching God because you worry he might snub you?
I must confess, yes. But only because he knows what I've done and what kind of person I am. But this feeling never lasts very long. God will never "snub" us.

Have you ever refused grace?
That's an interesting question. I probably have. By continuing on a path of sin that I know is wrong, and not bringing it to him to deal with it, I certainly refuse grace.

Consider a specific situation. Then become aware of God's presence with you. Tell him what was going on during that time. How does the God of this passage (offering his "outstretched hand" to the Israelites) compare to your image of God in that situation?

To be honest, I'm not sure what my image of God was during the situation I'm thinking of. I don't think I was thinking about him at all. It's as if something takes over and blocks him out of my thinking. But that outstretched hand is always there. I don't ever sense God turning a "cold shoulder" towards me. He waits.


It says to close the time today by saying the Lord's Prayer (or Model Prayer if you prefer), speaking the words aloud very slowly.

Our Father in heaven, reveal who you are.
Set the world right; do what's best--as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and from the Devil.
You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!





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