Talking With God

First a quote from Oswald Chambers.
"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him"--this is the most sublime utterance of faith in the whole of the Bible.

Judges 13:2-3, 6-9, 17-20


In this passage, the birth of Samson is announced to his parents. At the time, the mother was barren. I don't think we ever learn her name. His father's name was Manoah. He was from the tribe of Dan.


The interaction in this passage shows a literal conversation with God. The "angel" is consistently referred to as "the angel of GOD." Many scholars believe that these appearances are either an appearance of the pre-incarnate Christ, or a physical appearance of God, himself, knows as a "theophany." Either way, the couple was talking to God! He initiated the conversation with the woman. Very similar to Gabriel's announcement to Mary. She ran and told her husband, Manoah. Manoah prayed for the "man of God" to come back. So he did, and repeated what he told Manoah's wife.
I'm asked if I would ask the question that Manoah asked or if I would aska different question. I'm not sure. Manoah asked the angel of GOD, "What's your name?" That's more profound for them than for us in this day, because names in the Biblical times were much more significant. The "angel's" response is equally interesting. The Message renders it this way:

What's this? You ask for my name? You wouldn't understand--it's sheer wonder.

I guess it's possible that their heads would have exploded had God chosen to share his own name with them. I know the movie, "Dogma," is nothing short of sacrilege, but there are some things that Kevin Smith nailed, possibly quite by accident. At the end of the movie, God, played by Alanis Morissette (?), decides to speak. The sound is nothing short of horrific! Human ears could not tolerate it. That's probably what it would have sounded like to Manoah and his wife.
Anyway, they offer up a baby goat as a burnt offering, and the "angel" ascends in the flames. Manoah and his wife fall flat on their faces in awe, terror, and worship, probably all three at once, then begin to discuss how they were going to die because they had seen GOD.
I'm asked how it would be to talk to God facedown. It's not easy. I've done it. But somehow, it feels right. It's a position of ultimate reverence, showing what we really are in his presence, and that is basically nothing. Out of all the postures of worship and prayer, facedown is my favorite. Sometimes I wish we were set up for that in our churches.'ll not get on that soapbox today.


Try this: Lie facedown on the floor or the ground as Manoah and his wife did. Ask God for further instruction about something in your life. Notice what it's like to talk to God in this position. Don't get up too soon.


Rest your forehead on the ground with your arms above you. Just "be" before God this way.

Why is it so difficult for us to just "be" before God?

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