Oh, Taste and See!

Father, I feel like I'm just wandering around aimlessly right now. I need some direction. And I feel like Stephanie needs direction, too, and I don't know how to give it to her.

I desperately need wisdom.

Psalm 34:8-10

Before I quote the Scripture, let me just say this. I don't know when I have ever had a prayer answered more quickly than just now. I'm kind of sitting here in awe at the moment.

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
Oh, fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack!
The young lions suffer want and hunger;
but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

There's my answer to the quest for wisdom. Short and sweet. "Taste and see that the LORD is good!" I've not been "tasting" enough. I've not been seeking him enough.

When I read Psalm 34:8, I still get a mental visual of Dave Busby touching his fingertips to his tongue and quoting that verse. That verse has had a special place in my heart ever since that series of "revival" services at Glenview Baptist Church. Dave Busby came along at a very important time in my life. And then he was gone...

Anyway. Back to the Scripture at hand. Here's Don Wyrtzen's comment on it: "Many who believe they have 'tasted the Lord' have only a superficial knowledge of Him. They say they have tried Him, think they know all about Him, and claim they have been disappointed in Him. But 'tasting the Lord' involves more than a casual glance, a brief encounter, or a simple, memorized formula. To taste the Lord, I need to embrace Him, to relate to Him with my whole being!

"I need also to fear the Lord. To do this, I must concentrate on Him, not on myself. Narcissism subtly kills spiritual intimacy." Break! Whoa! THAT statement was amazing! "Narcisism subtly kills spiritual intimacy." Wow. Moving on. "Because I am very sensitive, I tend to be neurotic. Instead of looking outside myself and to the Lord, I tend to turn inward, which leads to despair. I would do better to focus less on self, serve others, and trust the Lord more. When I respect Him as I should, I will lack nothing." (Quoted from A Musician Looks At the Psalms)

At this point, I am almost on my face on the floor. I requested wisdom from God, and he hit me full-on with this Psalm and this commentary. Never in my life has something been more immediately relevant!

Now if I can just remember it for more than an hour from now.

God, keep this encounter fresh in my mind and spirit. Let me reflect on these words at work tonight. I praise you and thank you for this quick answer to prayer.

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Matthew Henry picks up where Wyrtzen left off...

"But whatever changes there are on earth, God is still the same, and remains for ever wise and holy, just and good; with him there is no variableness or shadow of turning." and then, "Troubles may cause our hearts to be faint, and our eyes to be dim, but the way to the mercy-seat of our reconciled God is open. Let us, in all our trials, put our whole trust and confidence in his mercy; let us confess our sins, and pour out our hearts before him."

This is pretty amazing stuff. I need to "taste and see," and this God, whom I am to taste and put all my confidence in, never changes. And our God is the only being/thing that never changes. Everything around us changes. This world is changing faster than ever, now. So fast that we can't keep up with it. But our God never changes. What a comfort that is. I need to embrace him more fully.

And to carry on even further, Tabletalk Magazine, in a reading on Exodus 14, tells us that sometimes God does things that are unexpected to further his glory. When the children of Israel were being led out of Egypt, God had them make a sort of "wrong turn" to trick the Egyptians into thinking they were lost. Israel might not have understood why they were being led that way, but it was for their protection and God's glory.

"When things happen that we do not understand or God calls us to do what is perplexing to us, we can be sure that it is for His glory."

Through their circumstances, God taught Israel that salvation is from God alone. We would do well to learn this, as well.

"Salvation is a gift wholly from the Lord from beginning to end. He accomplishes our redemption on the cross and gives us the faith to appropriate that redemption for ourselves. It can be easy to forget this truth, but we must always be clear that His work alone can redeem us."


Father, I am in awe today of your grace and mercy! You have quickly answered a prayer of mine in a way that I don't recall ever happening before, and, frankly, I am extremely excited about it! For the first time in a while, I am anxiously looking forward to the days ahead to see what you will continue to teach me as I seek your face and your wisdom through Scripture, and learn holiness through obedience.

Let me constantly be in mind that when something strange happens or I feel you directing me in a weird direction, that you are in control and you do everything for your own glory. I am simply a vessel to be used for your glory. Let me not forget that and become narcissistic. Let me redirect my focus. It has been inward for too long. I need to direct it outward. Find something to do in your service that will get me focused on you and someone else other than me.

I lift you up and praise you, my God! You are holy and worthy of all my praise, and I will sing your praises until I have no breath to sing with. And then I will resume singing those praises for all eternity, as I stand in your presence!

I almost can't wait.

I really don't have anything else to add to this.

Grace and peace, friends!

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