
Yes, I've missed the entire week. Sigh. Many distractions that should not be happening. But all I can do is move forward from here. No point in whining about it.

Psalm for Today: Psalm 119:9-16

I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.
I will delight in your statutes;
I will not forget your word.
Verses 15-16

It's rare, but I actually got something out of the Guideposts reading for Wednesday. (My parents gave me the book, and I'm stubborn enough to keep reading it, even though I usually get nothing of any spiritual value whatsoever from it.) And this isn't really all that spiritual, but it's kind of a "bloom where you're planted" philosophy.

Don't look for what's not there; instead, enjoy what is.

This was written by someone who moved from Alaska to Minnesota, in response to someone who asked her if she missed the mountains of Alaska. She said Minnesota wasn't created to have mountains, so she was enjoying what's there. She then wondered if that attitude could be transferred to people...

Very profound.

That's it for today...time to go hand out candy to the kiddies.

And eat some, as well. Mwahahahaha.....

Grace and peace, friends.

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