A Time To Grieve

Psalms for today: 23, 53, 83, 113, 143

"Blessed by the name of the LORD from this time forth and forevermore!
From the rising of the sun to its setting,
the name of the LORD is to be praised!" Psalm 113:2-3

Day 143

Jeremiah 8:18-21; 9:1-3

As Jeremiah is frequently called "the weeping prophet," this passage bears that out. Jeremiah is grieving over the way Judah ignores God. So much so that he really just wants to get away from the people entirely, living in a "backwoods cabin."

Every day, we see news, in the papers, on the tv, and on the Internet, that must grieve the heart of God. I wonder how much he weeps at the events in our world today.

I grieve over the lack of understanding about God. People don't seek him at all, but this is no surprise, because he said, himself, that no one seeks him. And Jesus said that no one comes unless drawn by the Father. But people have such misconceptions about God, both in the church and out of it. Both scenarios are tragic.

People in the church should have a much better understanding of the God they worship.

People outside the church either don't believe in him at all or have such convoluted ideas about him that it's ridiculous. I think this grieves God. I believe he wants us all to know him as he truly is.

Even the writer of The Golden Compass doesn't understand God at all. The "god" that he is lashing out against in his writing doesn't exist, because that "god" is God as he sees being displayed by people who don't understand God at all. Therefore, his whole attack is against a god that isn't even real.

Father, I know you want us to know you. You have given us a wealth of information about who you are and we have abused, ignored, and misused it. Help us to know you more. Let us be better students of the words that you have provided to us. Let the Holy Spirit guide us as we read your Word and study about you. Let our hearts know who you really are. And then let us take that knowledge to the world.

Yes, you are a God who judges sin. You hate sin with a passion. But you also love with an equal passion, if not greater. Enough to die. Enough to suffer seemingly endless pain. Enough to defeat death entirely. How can we not worship you? How can we not believe? Help our unbelief. Let us not be among those who grieve you, dear Lord!

Grace and peace, friends.

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