Don't Forget


Numbers 9:4-5 and 9-12. I'm told to read it five times, each time focusing on a different aspect of the passage.

This passage contains some instructions about when and where to celebrate the Passover meal.


We're human. We forget things. So we need reminders, symbols of important events in our lives. The Passover was Israel's tool to remember how God brought them out of Egypt. I'm asked under what circumstances I'm most likely to forget who God is and what he has done for me.

I think it is in times when I'm bent on sinning. And, yes...those times happen. All too frequently. Somehow, I'm able to block God out for a season. That's a horrible thing. Oddly, unlike many, when things are going really well, I don't forget God. Many people only remember God when things fall apart. If things are great, I remember who God is, and remember that he is the one responsible for everything that I have/am. But if I get obsessed with having or doing something, and know that God doesn't want me to have or do it, I conveniently forget about him for a period of time. Of course, afterwards, I am deeply sorrowful (truthfully, too, not just in a meaningless way). This is probably classic OCD behavior.


As I stroll down "memory lane," I think about times when God was evident and working in my life. I allow these memories to guide my prayers of gratitude.


I'm supposed to find or create some symbol to remind me of God's faithfulness in my life. I'll need to work on that. I remember the blue feather that I described in a previous entry. I don't know where that is right now. Perhaps I'll look for it later this week.

Have an intimate conversation with God this week. I don't usually like "cutesy" definitions of words, but last night Dennis Jernigan gave us a neat definition of "intimacy." He said that, when you get intimate with God, you are saying "into-me-see," allowing him into the deepest parts of your life. Consequently, then God says to us, "into-ME-see," allowing us into the deepest parts of him.

This is my heart's desire. To dive into the deepest parts of God.

So much love. So deeply true.

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